November 28, 2011

Hope Among the Ruthless.

There's something starkly unpleasant, something just plain wrong, about those who profit from the hopes of the sick and dying. That said there's a begrudged ingenuity at work. A fascinating cleverness on display in the way modern medicine shows weave their magic and navigate the system that's supposed to protect their marks.

Thug muscle, on the other hand, has always been brutish, petty, and humorless. Times do not change.

"I posted the blog so that patients, their friends and families would be aware of the whole story about [Stanislaw] Burzynski and his unproven therapy. I want them to be aware that the treatment seems to be in a constant cycle of trials generating unpublished results. As Dr Howard Ozer, director of the Allegheny Cancer Center in Philadelphia, said – it is scientific nonsense." - Rhys Morgan
Further reading about Stanislaw Burzynski's patent medicine saga:

November 21, 2011

Well this is a new strategy....

I guess this is what happens when appealing to greed and deep rooted feelings of cultural superiority no longer hook in the fish. Now it's time to appeal to patriotism, greed, and deep rooted feelings of cultural superiority!
From: Sgt Perry Rice
Dear Friend I am in the Engineering military unit here in Ba'qubah in Iraq, we have some amount of funds that we want to move out of the country. we need your help to receive this funds. Please i know you are most suitable for this opportunity.You will be entitled to 30 percent for your help.Waiting for your urgent response via my private
Come to think of it the story held within this short spam nugget is not that new. There are many fascinating stories of "soldiers" returning from past wars and fleecing the occasional mark by way of wide eyed tales of gold and riches. Treasure confiscated and hidden from the enemy by our brave heroic lad. Treasure just waiting to be brought back home...
Dear sir, of course I will gladly partake of my windfall! If only you would be so keen as to fund my expedition?
Unknown ( is of no help here :(