November 28, 2011

Hope Among the Ruthless.

There's something starkly unpleasant, something just plain wrong, about those who profit from the hopes of the sick and dying. That said there's a begrudged ingenuity at work. A fascinating cleverness on display in the way modern medicine shows weave their magic and navigate the system that's supposed to protect their marks.

Thug muscle, on the other hand, has always been brutish, petty, and humorless. Times do not change.

"I posted the blog so that patients, their friends and families would be aware of the whole story about [Stanislaw] Burzynski and his unproven therapy. I want them to be aware that the treatment seems to be in a constant cycle of trials generating unpublished results. As Dr Howard Ozer, director of the Allegheny Cancer Center in Philadelphia, said – it is scientific nonsense." - Rhys Morgan
Further reading about Stanislaw Burzynski's patent medicine saga:

November 21, 2011

Well this is a new strategy....

I guess this is what happens when appealing to greed and deep rooted feelings of cultural superiority no longer hook in the fish. Now it's time to appeal to patriotism, greed, and deep rooted feelings of cultural superiority!
From: Sgt Perry Rice
Dear Friend I am in the Engineering military unit here in Ba'qubah in Iraq, we have some amount of funds that we want to move out of the country. we need your help to receive this funds. Please i know you are most suitable for this opportunity.You will be entitled to 30 percent for your help.Waiting for your urgent response via my private
Come to think of it the story held within this short spam nugget is not that new. There are many fascinating stories of "soldiers" returning from past wars and fleecing the occasional mark by way of wide eyed tales of gold and riches. Treasure confiscated and hidden from the enemy by our brave heroic lad. Treasure just waiting to be brought back home...
Dear sir, of course I will gladly partake of my windfall! If only you would be so keen as to fund my expedition?
Unknown ( is of no help here :(

October 25, 2011

Healthcare Extrapolation Exercise

As a bit of fun, I tend to fall back on a simplistic and absurd example to illustrate The Nanny state and its need to regulate behavior in order to minimize and manage risks or costs to society. 

 The biggest danger in modern society is lack of sleep. Lack of sleep (eg. exhaustion) has proven to be a leading cause of household accidents, car crashes, and work related mistakes or injuries. Lack of sleep causes immeasurable economic and personal losses - therefor the most logical solution is to regulate sleep.

Federal and state laws and regulations need to be put into place. The beds of chronic Wake  Abusers need to be monitored with cheap and easy sensors. Random check stops need to be implemented during major sleepy-driving hours such as Monday mornings. Sleep incentives need to be put into place by employers and federal and state governments. Sleep-Easy Zones need to be created and noise pollution regulated stringently. Random 'Wakefulness-Tests' need to be implemented on all employees and students. "Just say Yes!' campaigns should be embraced, teaching our younger generation the benefits of sleep and the dangers of Wake Abuse. Those not meeting their sleep quotas need to be put into voluntary treatment at sleep clinics or face harsh punishment. Those refusing every effort at treatment should be put on a controlled sedation regiment. Because lack of sleep is so measurably dangerous not doing any of the above suggestions would be a crime against our society and children. Do you want sleep deprived school bus drivers driving your children or groggy doctors treating your cancer? Do you wish to see exhausted delivery truck drivers roaming our roads, or flummoxed fork lift operators ferrying flammable or explosive items around?

Ok. I hope no policy makers will take me seriously. That would suck. But frankly, we're already allowing many of these things to happen with other  identified "dangers to society". While that topic could fill a number of posts this one is about healthcare. 

So what does behavior regulation have to do with healthcare? 

To save costs and to streamline function; private, public, or mixed health-care systems will inevitably move down the road of punishing risky and irresponsible behavior. This is behavior that they will decide on. And these decisions will not be based on personal freedoms but will be based on bottom lines. The fact is, we the public are already calling for such behavior regulation and modification. We want to save costs. We clamor to see others punished so that we can save a few dollars.

The question then becomes:
"What is risky and irresponsible behavior?"

You can bet the farm that these are going to be at along the moral and lifestyle lines of sexual activity (multiple partners, experimentation), gluttony (fats, sugars etc), reward and consumption behavior (smoking, drinking, eating), physical activities (bungee jumping, sitting, driving) etc.

The examples given by the advocates of behavior regulation are too easy, too simple minded to argue agains. Proponents say they are in fact 'obvious.' Behaviors like drinking and driving, driving without a seat belt, sex without condoms, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, eating fries and milkshakes for every meal every day. These examples play on the obvious - and the subtle message is that anyone engaging in these behaviors is stupid so they should be punished somehow. For the betterment of society. Why would anyone defend stupid choices? Our intentions are to help people lead better, healthier lives!

What's that they say about good intentions?

Good Intentions
 Of course, it's not the intentions we should really be worried about. It's the deeds that can truly mess shit up.

A few years ago I chose to help out at a student run art gallery. While setting up some temporary walls a dropped 2x4 fell about 8 feet and landed on my shoulder. Today I still have occasional flares of pain. Can you tell me, was I engaged in risky behavior? I'm not a trained carpenter. Could my health-care refuse to cover the pain treatment because of my  choice? Can they penalize me with higher premiums? Can the government? Should they? I had a hard hat on, gloves and even eye protection but like hell was I going to done football padding . There's realistic risk mitigation and then there is paranoia and utter impracticality. Sometimes shit just happens. And lots of shit happens if you choose to be involved in life on a daily basis.

On average we humans are quite good at weighing short term risk - in contrast to what the Darwin Awards reveal. It's just that we do not use the same criteria of a piece of insurance software that calculates the bottom line. Our priorities are vastly different from those in charge of figuring out what our health is worth.

What's my point? With the way things are going, it doesn't matter what kind of system we have. Completely free market  or completely government run. The people who will be paying the lowest premiums and receiving the cheapest/easiest to access care will be the ones that do nothing, have never done anything and never plan on doing anything because every activity has risk. Government, corporate, or a mix will definitely be grading to that risk. They already do. Call me Paranoid McParanoia but I can't help wonder - at some point will we be permitted to do certain activities only if we can cover the premiums for the risk? There's plenty futurecasting speculation and theories written about the shape and structure of that type of society. It's an ultimate melding of capitalistic personal responsibility and freedom of choice. Whatever system this nation and most other nations will gravitate towards will rely heavily on risk assessment. It’s unstoppable and is already here. 

 Who really wants to spend most of their life weighing every action against a potential hike in their health premiums? If I agree to help at my kid’s summer camp will my insurance go up because I’ve exposed myself to the risk of West Nile or Lime Disease? 

I'm a journalist, do I cover this tense political protest? What if my health insurance sees me here and hikes my rate up because I exposed myself to a potentially violent situation and chemical irritants? 

If I purchase Sushi on my credit card, will i be penalized due to the risk of parasites or heavy metals? Yes these examples are silly but do they not seem likely to happen in the near future?

The health care debate is not just about who foots the bill for what. In fact, it can not only be about who pays and how much. It needs to be about how we as human beings allow ourselves to be monitored, classified, and graded. It’s about how we wish to live our lives and you can bet every second will be counted by someone out there...


October 24, 2011

Why do we pray?

Why do I pray when I don't believe in a God?  

Is it because I have been conditioned to pray?

Is it because I hope?

Is it because it's the outlet to speak with my Self? 

Is it the only way in which I can touch the I of our Being?

September 27, 2011

Yup the drug war is all about harm reduction. /sarcasm

The media seems to be a little confused. In fact, the media is down right flaccid in it's attempts to clarify their confusion. It seems to have forgotten that some terms can be fed to them from the bursting tit of a succulent propaganda machine.

I'll try to clear things up for them.

'K2', 'Spice', "Fire and Ice', 'What the hell they are calling it now in the papers' is not marijuana. It's not "synthetic" marijuana. It has nothing to DO with marijuana other then one similar mode of consumption. Smoking.  Oh and there are some dried plants of some kind involved. Maybe.
"You expect us journalists to actually follow up and find out what we are writing about? We don't get paid enough for that shit."
You know, calling this stuff synthetic marijuana is a bit like saying moonshine is synthetic water, or synthetic wine. Or hell, wine is synthetic grape juice. Or the other way around? Whatever.

The substances that are grouped under the misnomer of "synthetic marijuana" are a combination of unknown, varied, and unregulated drugs, herbs, and other ingredients. It's a bit like the wild west. In fact this situation reminds me of what the snake oil and traveling "medicine men" of old used to do and how they went about making their buck. And THAT reminds me of something important. And it's something that often gets lost in the noise of Drug War battles. It's the role of the FDA in this whole mess.

The FDA was created for real and beneficial reasons.While the FDA has many detractors these days it once had a job to do but now it has been hijacked

The FDA should go back to doing its job instead of towing the line of the absurd and society warping Drug War policies. The job is (was) to regulate the production of food and drug items with the safety of the consumer in mind. One of the aims was to provide the consumer with true information about products by way of testing, labeling, and standards. I think that information is one of the most important keys to harm reduction and consumer protection. We should be able to read helpful and lucid facts on a product, like, for example:
"K2 has X, Y, Z ingredients in N amounts. The possible effects are A, B, and C. Users with the following L, M, N, conditions and taking the following O, P medications shouldn't use it. It also tastes like puppies."

Why is this so difficult? Is it cost? Frankly it doesn't matter if it is. The FDA itself needs to be overhauled. I'll repeat myself, the FDA has been hijacked by political and social agendas. And also by corporate interests, but that's another post but they are not so separate of subjects.

Ask yourself, what is really beneficial to consumers? Information or fear and panic stories like the one I've linked to? Regulation or an ever expanding illicit black market soup? Why is true harm reduction and consumer protection such foreign concepts in the US? Why is it that when harm reduction is brought up it's coated in lip-service platitudes and insulting "won't somebody think of the children!?" triteness, instead of real action that would in fact reduce harm? Why does it always have to be the same pitchfork villager chant of "Ban Ban Ban!"

.... Is it because it's all worked so well, so far?

July 7, 2011

Carpets of grass

Today's quick lesson in economics and home ownership.

It is not OK to have nicely arranged planters growing food. You will be accused of bringing property values down. It also might get you some jail time.

It is OK to have chemically sustained lawns cut by teams of migrant workers. This will bring property values up and will probably win you some sort of "Best Yard of the Month" award. Yay!

June 3, 2011

File under: How life should be.

Regarding the opinion that women need to cover up, be hidden away, be chaperoned because allegedly (and insultingly) men can't control their urges.

Simply put, if you can't control your dick, you don't deserve to have one.

May 27, 2011

The horn of plenty squatting under the sword of Damocles.

The demand for their products is so great that Haber-Bosch plants today consume 1 percent of all the energy on earth, and the largest factories produce so much ammonia that is has to be transported in pipelines [...]. This huge, almost invisible industry is feeding the world. Without these plants, somewhere between two billion and three billion people - about 40 percent of the world's population - would starve to death. [...] Half the nitrogen in your blood, your skin and hair, your proteins and DNA, is synthetic.
- Hager, Thomas (2008). The Alchemy of Air: a Jewish genius, a doomed tycoon, and the scientific discovery that fed the world but fueled the rise of Hitler. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press.

We are artificial beings living on an artificial planet. Every so often I'll read something that widens my view of our world and contributes to my understanding of why things are and how things came to be. Something that jars my mindset in such a way that I feel the world shift slightly and resettle. A strangers words acknowledging and confirming that hunch or that whisper of a feeling which had previously rattled about my brain. Bugging me like a mosquito.

This short, sweet, and easy read was just such a thing.

March 24, 2011

Ghost in the machine.

Regarding our investigation from the Bank & the Nigerian Police Force (N.P.F) inconjunction with the Economic Financial Crime Commission (E.F.C.C) we are now verifying by contacting your email address as we have in our Bank records before we can Make the transfer into his account and for us to conclude with confirmation if you are dead or not.

I would like to confirm to the NPF that I am in fact dead, or not. I get confused.

March 16, 2011

I ♥ phishing.


It's like that's just begging to be put on a t-shirt, or in a fortune cookie.

March 4, 2011

Fund a mental fun

Recently one of the more entertaining scammer emails graced my in-box and I loved it to bits!

Why? It's in the details and it's a work of art! The copy pasted FBI address with missing office hours. The United Nations Organization "enhanced" Interpol. The "ATM CARD CENTRES" working with UPS and it's awesome shipping cost of 420 (ha). Discounted to only 135 if you pay by March 25th! "Enlightening" ATM handbooks and the promise that you will have to pay nothing less than 135 for the pleasure of this internet romp.

It's the classic use of glorious run on sentences that identifies this written treasure as genuine Nigerian lit. "Past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund."
Oh profundity, you are breathless.

The delicious icing is the note at the end, setting the mark up for another round. You know, for those lovelies that send in their discounted 135. Only to get a shocking email from *gasp* impostors claiming to be in possession of their "pin based ATM card" (and/or check, though I'm not sure if it is pin based).

This is pure internet love.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc
Customers Service Hours / Monday To Saturday
Office Hours Monday to Saturday:
Dear Beneficiary,

Series of meetings have been held over the past 7 months with the secretary general of the United Nations Organization. This ended 3 days ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the tune of $850,000.00 due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund.

The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the current president of Nigeria his Excellency President Good luck Jonathan to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the likes. Now how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have two method of payment which is by Check or by ATM card?

ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin based ATM card which you will use to withdraw up to $3,000 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years time which is 2014. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your funds to your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it. Even if you do not have a bank account.

Check: To be deposited in your bank for it to be cleared within three working days. Your payment would be sent to you via any of your preferred option and would be mailed to you via UPS. Because we have signed a contract with UPS which should expire by 25 March 2011 you will only need to pay $135 instead of $420 saving you $285 So if you pay before 25 March 2011 you save $285 Take note that anyone asking you for some kind of money above the usual fee is definitely a fraudsters and you will have to stop communication with every other person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you will ever have to spend is $135.00 nothing more! Nothing less! And we guarantee the receipt of your fund to be successfully delivered to you within the next 24hrs after the receipt of payment has been confirmed.

Below are few list of tracking numbers you can track from UPS website to confirm people like you who have received their payment successfully.

Name: Donna L. Vargas: UPS Tracking Number: 1Z757F991598420403 (
Name: Rovenda Elaine Clayton: UPS Tracking Number: 1Z757F991596606592 (

Note: Everything has been taken care of by the Federal Government of Nigeria, The United Nation and also the FBI and including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $135.

DO NOT SEND MONEY TO ANYONE UNTIL YOU READ THIS: The actual fees for shipping your ATM card is $420 but because UPS have temporarily discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package is delivered for international shipping We had to sign contract with them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual fee of $420 to $135 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort!

To effect the release of your fund valued at $850,000.00 you are advised to contact our correspondent in Africa the delivery officer John Will with the information below,

Telephone: +234-702-921-6623
You are advised to contact him with the informations as stated below:

Your full Name..
Your Address:..............
Home/Cell Phone:..............
Preferred Payment Method (ATM / Cashier Check)

Upon receipt of payment the delivery officer will ensure that your package is sent within 24 working hours. Because we are so sure of everything we are giving you a 100% money back guarantee if you do not receive payment/package within the next 24hrs after you have made the payment for shipping.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Donna Story

Note: Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advice only to be in contact with John Will of the ATM CARD CENTRE who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your ATM CARD PAYMENT and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation.

January 18, 2011

Don't bring a nine iron to a gun fight.

The Daily Drug War in a nutshell. A half-awake man in a t-shirt wielding a golf club against a platoon of armed and armored warriors.

In war, the point of any battle is to kill the enemy. Every power has figured this out, it's too troublesome to take prisoners. Prisoners only work when you need cheap labor, pun fully intended.

Despite what the media and politicians still try to proclaim, the enemy in this war isn’t gangsters, Mexican mafias, or vile kingpins. The enemy isn’t even evil, despite misleading, cruel and ironic "Save The Children!" rhetoric. The enemy in this war is millions upon millions of regular people. And yes they are regular people, despite the strong and shrill objections of some of The Serious People. Oh, bless those poor serious people. They who resent being lumped in with "scum." They who sincerely sermonize about how we all just need to grow up and Obey. Don't we know the world isn't lollipops and gumdrops, what's with our pie in the sky hopes and ideals?

So, who are they? These millions? Some have addictions; horrible, life devastating problems with drugs. And I mean real problems, not court ordered, choice of rehab or jail time type problems. While others consume, like fine wine with dinner. Some sell, grow, own land, own nothing, manufacture, ship, house, travel, stay put, learn, or teach. Some are lovers, wives, or husbands. Some are roommates, children, patients. Some own businesses, some just work, and some hold no job. Most, if not all, just want to be left alone.

But, how can you be left alone when the act of inhaling, the act of possessing, the act of distributing carries the consequences of this video? Drugs and the black market forces provide an economic incentive for these consequences. The economic incentive is not limited to drug lords. It is also reveled in by the anti-drug lords. The black market controls and warps economic opportunities, and therefore the social world. While black markets always exist, prohibition allows for this one to thrive, unregulated, not policed, dangerous. Deadly and highly profitable for the power players on both sides. Without obscene blanket prohibition where would we be? It might be bold but I truly believe that no one at all has been saved by prohibition.

Nastier and dirtier drugs have been created because of it. Nastier and dirtier people as well. Nastier and dirtier institutions thrive upon it and are growing ever larger.

So, once again, since this is a war the battles are not for the betterment of society. The battles are to eradicate the enemy. And conveniently for our moral warriors, the definition of enemy is constantly expanding. One day, even you will most likely be one. That, or you will know someone close and dear to you who is. As in every other war collateral damage means little if compared to the glory of winning and claiming the spoils.

And in this war there's a hell of a lot of pillage still left up for grabs.

January 5, 2011

A few of my favorite things.

We have our favorite T.V. shows, films, artists, family members, et cetera. Can one also have a favorite amazon reviewer?

When you're feeling down and blue (or green, or red, or jaundiced) curl up with a cup of yak butter tea, switch on your device of choice and enjoy the simmering genius that is Bartok Kinski, amazon reviewer extraordinaire.

And related